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Minesweeper Variants   

This is a minesweeper game with more than 50 variants. Minesweeper is a logical game, in the game the player will have to find out all the mines in the field according to the hints given. The classic minesweeper game is composed of only squares while Minesweeper Variants not only uses squares, but also triangles, circles, and even irregular shapes of birds, insects, dinosaurs, etc. This game is certainly a must have for all minesweeper fans! If you come up with a pattern which you think will make a good minesweeper game, you can also submit the pattern to us in the game and we will create a minesweeper game based on that pattern. A global best times table is also present so that you can compete with other players for the fastest time. In the free version of the game, you can play the beginner level of 10 patterns, after purchase you can play all the levels of all the patterns, as well as all the the patterns submitted by players from all over the world.

 (336 KB)
Downloads bisher: 580

Angaben zum Spiel:
Hinzugefügt am: 22-November-2006
Betriebssystem: Windows95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP
Dateigrösse: 336 KB
Spiele Download: Download
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1 Benutzer bewertete(n) dieses Programm im Durchschnitt mit:

5.00 Bewertung = 5.00

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10 - sehr gut
5 - durschnittlich
1 - schlecht

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